Spin epic Mythos tales of cosmic horror across the Weird Century in a complete, stand-alone roleplaying game powered by the AGE System!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Come join us for ThursdAGE!
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 02:18:10 PM
ThursdAGE is our weekly livestream show were we discuss all things AGE-related. Come join us today for lots more information about Cthulhu Awakens!
Join @Owen_Stephens and disembodied @YesImTroy as we pick Lead Developer Malcolm Sheppard's brain on Cthulhu Awakens! That's today at 2p Pacific on ThursdAGE, the award-ready live stream featuring the developers behind your favorite TTRPGs - powered by the Adventure Game Engine!
Why Cthulhu Awakens?
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 04:16:03 AM
Why Cthulhu Awakens?
The genesis of Cthulhu Awakens was Modern AGE, Green Ronin’s multi-genre modern era AGE system RPG. Modern AGE is a platform for multiple settings, and the Cthulhu Mythos, as a classic inspiration for roleplaying, seemed like an obvious choice.
But once we dug into it, it became clear that we wanted to do a deeper treatment of the Mythos as a modern game setting than the supplement format would support. That meant substantial new game systems above and beyond add-ons. Modern AGE has Relationships; Cthulhu Awakens expands them into the book’s Bond system. As developer, I wanted more room for all aspects of the setting, and most of all, room for a distinct approach.
There are a number of excellent Cthulhu Mythos games out there, and we didn’t want to duplicate any of them. After some development work we hit upon the Weird Century concept, and a more open, play-focused approach. In plain language that means a 100 year period for play, and options to make the game as action-oriented or not as you’d like. Can you take on a shoggoth with a shotgun? Maybe—but maybe not, depending on the rules options you pick.
The final piece of the puzzle is the setting itself. The Weird Century assumes classic open source Mythos tales are from unreliable narrators—and they’re especially unreliable when it comes to the racism in those stories. The truth? It’s there for characters from anywhere, of any kind, to explore, and includes elements that bring Mythos influence across decades, into the present day.
Flexible in period and plot, and able to support diverse characters, Cthulhu Awakens is designed to present the tools and setting to make the Mythos your own—and we hope you enjoy it.
-Malcolm Sheppard
Day Two Madness
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 04:15:59 AM
In less than 48 hours you have all helped to unlock so much weirdness!
We also have decided that our first two full days went so well, we'd extend the DREADCRAWLS free Issue 0 offer to Noon Pacific tomorrow, just to give folks who were on the fence a little bit more time to decide.
That means that your chance to pick up DREADCRAWLS ISSUE #0: STRANGE PLACES for free as part of your pledge, will end at 12pm Pacific Standard Time (3pm Eastern) on Thursday. Tell your friends if they've been trying to decide if they should back the project or not. It's not too late!
Since our Day-one update, we've unlocked TWO more stretch goals today, and we're already making a lot of progress toward the 2020's Adventure!
Stretch Goal Status
$20,000: MORE ELDRITCH WORKINGS (Print and Digital)
$40,000: INTRODUCTORY ADVENTURE (Print and Digital)
$50,000: Modern AGE Companion PDF (Digital)
$60,000: 2020s Adventure (Print and Digital) We will add a second complete adventure to the Cthulhu Awakens rulebook, this time set in the present day.
$75,000: Weirdness Overflowing (Digital) When this stretch goal is unlocked, we will begin development of an electronic supplement called Weirdness Overflowing, a compilation of new articles and material that wouldn’t fit in the main rulebook. Eligible backs will receive it as part of their rewards.
$85,000: Modern AGE Enemies & Allies PDF (Digital) - LOCKED Eligible backers will also receive a PDF copy of the Modern AGE supplement Enemies & Allies. This is a terrific resource for non-Mythos creatures and NPCs that can be used as is or adapted in your Cthulhu Awakens campaign.
$100,000: 1960s Adventure PDF (Digital)- LOCKED Eligible backers will also receive a PDF adventure set in the 1960s. The golden age of Cold War espionage. The dawn of the Space Age. As human eyes look for secrets, and into the outer void.
Launch Day Stream
ICYMI: Watch some of our team talk about Cthulhu Awakens Roleplaying Game.
Thank you again for the support.
Green Ronin
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 02:53:39 AM
What a day we had!
Not only did we fund in only 40 minutes, but we have also unlocked two stretch goals already. Thank you so much for your support, everyone! We are definitely going to need some new stretch goals! Fortunately, we have a whole bunch more waiting for their turn in initiative order.
Stick with us this week and through the rest of the campaign, as we will be posting articles to give you an idea of what the game will be like from the developer's perspective, and we have some actual-play videos and livestreams coming your way as well!
We are so close (perilously close?) to unlocking the $40k Stretch Goal! Can we unlock all our initial goals in the first 24 hours?
Stretch Goals
$20,000: MORE ELDRITCH WORKINGS (Print and Digital): We will add 10 new eldritch workings—the “spells” of Cthulhu Awakens —and three new mind-bending psychic disciplines to the rulebook.
$30,000: MODERN AGE BASIC RULEBOOK PDF (Digital): Eligible backers will also receive a PDF copy of the Modern AGE Basic Rulebook. This is a complete stand-alone game that also has a wealth of material useful for Cthulhu Awakens GMs.
$40,000: INTRODUCTORY ADVENTURE (Print and Digital): We will add an introductory adventure to the Cthulhu Awakens rulebook. SO CLOSE!
$50,000: Modern AGE Companion PDF (Digital) Eligible backers will also receive a PDF copy of the Modern AGE Companion. This book adds new material and optional rules to the Modern AGE RPG, which makes it a good resource for Cthulhu Awakens GMs to plunder.
$60,000: 2020s Adventure (Print and Digital) We will add a second complete adventure to the Cthulhu Awakens rulebook, this time set in the present day.
Dreadcrawls Zine
All backers during the first 48hours of this campaign will receive Dreadcrawls Zine Issue Zero.
If you backed at a physical level you will get both the physical zine and a PDF version. This includes retailer backers.
If you backed at a digital level you will get only the PDF version.
Reminder that this special deal closes at 9am PST/12pm EST on Thursday February 17th. Spread the word to friends who are thinking of backing this project.
Dreadcrawls Zine
PLEDGE MANGER: We are using Backerkit as our pledge manager so you will be charged your shipping cost during your survey. Also, you will have the ability to make changes and add on to your pledge.
FAQ : Please take a look at the FAQ as there are answers to many questions.
Thank you!
~Green Ronin
We have funded!
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 06:06:08 PM
Thank you so much to everyone who helped us fund Cthulhu Awakens in less than an hour!